Archive for January, 2013

Latest From Tvline (1/30/13)

Posted: January 31, 2013 by ddbabygirl13 in Uncategorized
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On Wednesday night’s Supernatural, Dean and Sam’s paternal grandfather Henry revealed that his son John and grandsons were supposed to be…book nerds!

While mom Mary was from a clan of hunters, the Winchesters come from a line of Men of Letters, who are keepers of knowledge that they share with a select group of hunters. Cupid brought the brawn and the brains together by uniting Mary and John — but after traveling to 2013 and dying in the arms of Dean and Sam, Henry never made it back to his time, leading his son to believe his father abandoned him. And so John never fulfilled his legacy and instead became “a hunter through necessity,” says executive producer Bob Singer.

Now Dean and Sam are left with Henry’s “key,” aka a box that holds scrolls and all sorts of valuable information. At the episode’s end, they make plans to lock it away in the safest place on Earth, and we’ll see that location next Wednesday.

“It’s a really stunning set,” describes Singer. “It’s full of mysteries. It’ll become kind of a home base for the boys. We’re really excited about it. After eight years of never having a home base, this will be home base for quite some time.

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SUPERNATURAL — (9:00–10:00 p.m. ET)

“Man’s Best Friend with Benefits” (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)

DEAN REALLY DOESN’T LIKE WITCHES — A police officer named Kevin (guest star Christian Campbell), who turned to witchcraft after working a case with Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles), is plagued by nightmares in which he murders innocent people. However, when the murders actually happen, Sam and Dean are called in by Kevin’s “familiar” (guest star Mishael Morgan) to help —- but the brothers aren’t sure they want to save a witch. John Showalter directed the episode written by Brad Buckner & Eugenie Ross-Leming (#814).

Felicia Day Set To Return

Posted: January 30, 2013 by ddbabygirl13 in Uncategorized
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Fresh off her day of LARPing with the Winchester boys, Felicia Day has booked a third visit to The CW’s Supernatural, it was announced on Tuesday during a press screening.

Whereas Day’s character, überhacker Charlie Bradbury, previously got caught up in Sam and Dean’s battle with Dick Roman, then was stumbled upon by them inside a LARPing community, the third time around she will bring a case to the brothers, during the latter part of Season 8.


Hallelujah! Part two of S8 is full steam ahead! Written by Jenny Klein (@jennydelherpes) “Torn and Frayed” gives us(the fandom)everything! The Winchester men sorting out their issues, Castiel (Misha Collins)randomly helping mankind and unfortunately, closure with Benny(Ty Olsson) and Amelia(Liane Balaban for now. Let’s sort out this episode, shall we?

Castiel healing a crying child touched my heart. This is the REAL Cass to me: simple, kind, fixing boo boos. The puzzle surrounding Naomi (Amanda Tapping) continues after she yanks Cass back to Heaven, instructing him to rescue Samandiriel (Tyler Johnston). She emphatically demands that Heaven nor she can take credit but that it’s Castiel’s idea. So our choices regarding Naomi are: 1) is Naomi a “good” angel, on the up and up, working for God, Heaven and humans or 2) is she something dark? What do you think fandom? Let me know!

Dean knocks on Sam’s motel door and Sam almost slams it shut. Thus starts tonight’s “As the Winchesters Turn” soap. Sam is still righteously angry at Dean who admits that using Amelia as a lure was wrong. I don’t think that Dean realized how deeply Sam feels for Amelia. Sam’s reaction seems to gut punch him but it also starts Dean thinking about clean breaks which is woven through all the relationships in this episode. Such an impasse here with Dean protecting Benny and Sam protecting his emotions. After Dean leaves, Amelia shows up where the most believable scene between she and Sam takes place. I’ve truly not felt a real connection between Sam and Amelia but Jared, Liane, Jenny and director Bob Singer made this touching and real. After the love fest ends, Amelia gently draws a line in the sand for Sam: come back and we’ll be together. Don’t and that’s the end. A clean break.

Cass seeks out Dean who is sleeping with a beer bottle. Rousing Dean by watching him sleep gets the “it’s just creepy, Cass!” Proudly Cass lets Dean know that he’s been doing good, doing penance but that Samandiriel needs to be rescued. Lying that he heard the angel’s cries for help over angel radio, Castiel’s demeanor changes. This angel doesn’t want to lie and certainly not to Dean.

I have to call Samandiriel’s (aka Alfie’s) torture scenes the worst/best of the season. I closed my eyes during the screw tightening, it was horrible! Thumbs up to Mark Meloche, (@rotomonkee), VFX supervisor for the wonderful awfulness! Viggo the torturer finally hits an angelic nerve. Samandriel screams for help, which ignites a bush and catches a man on fire but not before he hears Samandiriel speaking. From a religious point, God spoke to Moses in the form of a burning bush. From Klein’s eyes, this is a Monty Pythong reference. The down low here is this hardrive contains sensitive angel info, most damaging to Heaven and the angels.

Cass and Dean pop in on Kevin who’s working tirelessly to decode the demon tablet. Mrs. Tran is a distraction so Kevin has sent her away which strikes a chord for Dean. Kevin can’t enjoy life until he finishes his given task. Dean compares their lives instantly: John possibly left his boys for the very same reason. Kevin banishes his Mom and Dean can’t have close relationships while he still has a job to do. On the other hand, Sam tries to have a life outside of hunting, a trait that Dean covets. Cass makes an angel run for demon TNT ingredients and picks up Sam also. Sam promises to leave as quickly as Samandiriel is returned.

Entering a deserted factory, the guys destroy the angel sigils which allows Castiel to enter and also gives the Winchesters new anti-angel mojo. Cass continues to flashback to Naomi’s torture sessions and Samandiriel’s screams physically hurt Castiel. In the end, Cass bleeds from his eye which appears to be where Naomi probed him. Remember when Anna was “reprogrammed” and tortured? Could this be happening to Cass? We’re also seeing a less powerful, more vulnerable angel which Jeremy Carver, Supernatural show runner has stated would evolve. Thoughts anyone?

Crowley (Mark Sheppard) vamooses before the three break in to destroy the demons. Cass whisks Samandriel off with Naomi in his ear, forcing Cass to kill him. Samandiriel pleads Naomi’s case, he’s been compromised, given out information that would hurt the angel squad. He basically begs Cass to “kill me”! With severe regret, our lovely angel does stab Samandiriel. Naomi demands that his body be returned to Heaven so Cass does just that. No black wingspread for Samandriel, just a whoof as the two disappear. I hope that this isn’t the last of Alfie! He was homespun and sweet! So more questions: why did S’s body need to be returned, will he come back and who IS Naomi?

In the middle of this melee, Dean commits to seeing Benny, to help him out of the vamp’s “rough patch”. But in the end, Dean breaks it off cleanly. He tells Benny, “This is it, the end of the line.” Benny accepts this with his head bent and a “Thanks for the ride” response. I’m hoping that the next meeting between the three will not end badly. For now, a clean break between Dean and Benny. Sam chooses to also break with Amelia, not going back within the time frame the two had set earlier. For me, Sam truly chose the high road, he sacrificed his feelings with respect and in response to what Amelia said to him. So this relationship is done.

This episode embodies emotions, relationships and endings. Klein wrote an excellent story. For Castiel, I hope that we see him sooner than later. The story ends with Dean and Sam, comfortable in their roles as brothers but no beer clink to celebrate a job well done. There’s no talking about their personal stuff or explaining, “yeah, Benny is gone, done” or “I won’t be seeing Amelia ever again.” Clean breaks…. really nothing more to say. Til we LARP tonight…. stay supernatural!


SUPERNATURAL — (9:00–10:00 p.m. ET)
“Trial and Error” (TV14-DLV) (HDTV)

KEVIN DECIPHERS THE TABLET — Kevin (guest star Osric Chau) deciphers the tablet and figures out how to close the gates of Hell. He tells Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) that according to the tablet one person must face a series of three tests designed by God. The first one – kill a hellhound. Sam and Dean argue over who should complete the trials. Kevin Parks directed the episode written by Andrew Dabb (#813)